Formerly International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research

Soil micronutrient availability as influenced by monosaccharide distribution in cultivated farm land, Nigeria

Pantnagar Journal of Research, Volume - 20, Issue - 2 ( May-August 2022)

Published: 2022-08-31

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Soil micronutrient availability as influenced by monosaccharide distribution and its relationship in some cultivated farm lands sown to arable crops in Nigeria were studied, the results indicated that soils in the study area ranged from moderately to slightly acidic (pH 5.63 – 6.83 with a mean value of 6.33) indicating slightly acidic, low in CEC (mean = 5.65 cmol/kg) and exchangeable bases. The available Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn in the soils studied were found to be below the critical ranges except for Fe which was above the range. This means that deficiency symptoms of these plant nutrients on crops grown on these soils are likely. Also, mean values of 1.71 (arabinose), 0.34 (Galatose), 0.07(Glucose), 0.73 (Mannose), 0.46 (Galatose + Mannose/Arabinose), 1.24 (Mannose/Xylose), 1.61 (Xylose/Arabinose), 0.67 (Xylose) were observed. These values decreased with depth and was dominated by arabinose contrary to high concentration of glucose reported in most soils. Variability in monosaccharide distribution in the study area suggests that they could be of different carbohydrate origins. Higher content of arabinose in the soils suggests that the carbohydrate could be of fresh plant tissue origin since it has been noted that arabinose is the dominant sugar in fresh plant tissue origin. The significant relationship between micronutrients and soil properties (clay, pH OC and Cations) in this study (P < 0.05) showed the importance of these properties in the availability of micronutrients

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