Vrikshayurveda based Natural farming at Pantnagar
Courtesy: Dr Sunita T Pandey, Professor Agronomy & Executive Secretary, Asian Agri-History Foundation GBPUAT, Pantnagar
Crops related research
The research work on Vrikshayurved based natural farming practices was started at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar after the transfer of AAHF Headquarter to, Pantnagar in June 2019 and after organizing a 2-day workshop in October 2019, mentioned above. Beginning was made with Herbal Kunapjal, the AAHF modified version of original Kunapjal described in Vrikshayurveda by Surapala (c. 1000 CE). The effectiveness of Herbal Kunapajal was evaluated for its effects on quantity and quality of various crops viz. chickpea, mustard, potato, Tulsi, gladiolus, the medicinal crop Metricaria chamomilla, etc. The experiments were conducted in the collaborative research programm “Exploring the possibilities of Introduction and integration of nettle-based liquid fermented organic Vrikshayurveda concoctions on various selected crops of district Almora”, of the project “Exploring Livelihood Potential of Wild Growing Stinging Nettle (Urticadioica) in Uttarakhand” under the advisement and technical guidance of Dr. Sunita T Pandey, Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, as the collaborator of the mentioned project with the team of multispecialty team of scientists.The project is being funded by Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Govt. of India for National Mission of Himalayan Studies (NMHS).
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Antifungal properties of various types of Kunapjal
Three different types of Herbal Kunapjal were tested in-vitro for their antifungal potential against four different pathogenic fungi causing significant diseases in various crops. These were Alternaria solani, causing early blight in tomato and other solanious crops, Colletotrichum capsicii, causing anthracnose in chilli, Fusarium cicer is causing chickpea wilt and Helmenthosporium maydis, causing leaf blight in maize. The pathogenic fungi were inoculated in the medium amended with fresh formulations of Herbal Kunapjal i.e. general, integrated and nettle-based formulations @1% concentration. ...read more
Thesis Research on Kunapjal at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar
A number of Masters' thesis that have been submitted at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar on the topic of Herbal Kunapjal are given below. We must appreciate the faculty in the College of Agriculture for initiating this research through their graduate students.
Thesis Submitted
Name | Year/Course | Title |
Rahul Yadav (54175) | 2019. M.Sc.(Ag.), Agronomy | Effect of Fermented Organic Liquid Manures on Soil Health, Fresh Biomass and Oil Yield of Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicumL.) |
Ankita Kalpasi (55354) | 2020. M.Sc. Biological Sciences | Effect of Vrikshayurveda-based Herbal Kunapjala (Liquid biofertilizer) on Growth, Flower Yield and Essential Oil Quality of Matricaria chamomilla L |
Okram Ricky Devi (55435) | 2020. M.Sc.(Ag.) Agronomy | Response of late sown wheat (Triticuma estivum L.) to seed treatment and foliar application of herbal kunapajala under different dose of nutrients |
Rahul Halder (55415) | 2020. M.Sc.(Ag.) Agronomy | Response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to seed treatment and foliar application of vrikshayurveda based herbal kunapajala under different dose of nutrients |
Suraj Adhikari (48310) | 2020. M.Sc.(Ag) Plant Pathology | Eco friendly management of black scurf of potato caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn |
Shreekant (55464) | 2020. M.Sc.(Ag) Horticulture | Response of herbal kunapajala, an organic fermented fertilizer on vegetative, flowering and corm attributes of gladiolus cv. Jessica under Tarai region of Uttarakhand |
Research Article
Relevance of Vrikshayurveda and Traditional Knowledge for Ecofriendly Sustainable Agriculture to Meet SDGs in India
SPS Beniwal, Late YL Nene and Sunita T Pandey
Workshop Report
Two-day Workshop on “Vrikshayurveda and Traditional Practices in Uttarakhand State: Present Status and Future Potential”
Asian Agri-History Foundation and GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology